Maintenance Specials - Winterize Your RV or Travel Trailer
- Flush water system and get a free roof inspection
Regular price $155.00 SALE $110.00
- Pressurize RV using a specialized fan, spray entire exterior of RV with a soapy solution, any air escaping will be indicated by bubbling. If air can get out then water can get in!!
Regular Price $417.00 SALE $278.00
- Basic Inspection includes propane leak and pressure test, test all appliances, test brakes for lock-up, visually inspect roof, test running lights, flush and pressure test fresh water system, test charging system and batteries, inspect exterior seals and fixtures.Regular Price $529.00 SALE $450.00
- includes all the basic package (propane lead and pressure test, test all appliances, test brakes for lock-up, visually inspect roof, test running lights, flush and pressure test fresh water system, test charging system and batteries, inspect exterior seals and fixtures) + repack axle bearings, inspect wheel hubs and brakes, lubricate slide seals and gears.Regular Price $899.00 SALE $749.99
- Seal Tech RV checking for areas of possible water intrusion, propane lead and pressure test, test all appliances, test brakes for lock-up, visually inspect roof, test running lights, flush and pressure test fresh water system, test charging system and batteries, inspect exterior seals and fixtures + repack axle bearings, inspect wheel hubs and brakes, lubricate slide seals and gears.Regular Price $1199.00 SALE $899.00
(Prices do not include GST, parts, or any needed repairs found during inspection. We will contact you before undertaking any needed repairs.)